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Frequently Asked Questions Northumberland News

Find answers to your questions about content submission and reprints, newspaper delivery, contact information and more.

1. How do I submit a news tip, event, article, photo, letter to the editor, or news release?

You can submit a news tip, event, article, photo, letter to the editor, or news release on our Submit Content and Feedback page.

2. Where do I find the mailing address and phone number of the Northumberland News?

Find addresses, phone numbers and maps to our offices on the Contact Us page.

3. How do I reach someone specific at the Metroland Media Group's offices in Cambridge?

Find names, phone numbers and email addresses for our various newspapers and departments on the Contact Us page.

4. What are the Terms & Conditions and/or commenting guidelines for participating on

The terms and conditions for can be found on the Metroland Terms and Conditions page. Commenting is currently not available on

5. How do I find an article that previously appeared in the newspaper?

Most articles from the Northumberland News back to 2007 are available online. Use the Search box in the top right of any page to find articles, photos or videos.

6. Where can I find on social media?

Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

7. How can I express interest in the Metroland Gives Back program?

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